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textile industry comes back to life, especially in south

by:Ming Yu     2019-11-10
American workers may let you stroll on the kitchen floor with a mop, your favorite bath towel or your facial wipes. Surprised?
Decades later, many people believed that the United StatesS.
The textile industry has died, which created $54 billion in shipments in 2012, employing about 233,000 people.
With tax cuts, reliable utilities, modern ports and airports, and reliable, trained and ununited workforce available to southern states, especially textile companies, the business is on the rise.
Companies in Brazil, Canada, China, Dubai, the UK, India, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Mexico and Switzerland and the United States in 2013S.
It announced plans to open or expand textile mills in Georgia, Louis Anna, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia.
Workers produce yarn, thread and fabric for clothing, furniture, household goods and industrial use.
According to David russe, chairman of the non-woven fabric industry association, examples include hugs and Pampers for diapers, swiping mops and Pledge furniture wipes.
\"Textile manufacturing-yarn, fabric and non-woven fabric-is still here and growing,\" said . \"
Brandon Godfrey, dean of the College of Textiles, North Carolina State University.
\"We sell cotton yarn cheaper than Chinese.
\"Yes, textile manufacturing in the United States. S.
With cheap labor attracting overseas jobs, 1990 and 2000 of jobs have fallen sharply.
Automation and productivity improvements in textile mills also cost jobs.
Over the past decade, more than 200,000 textile manufacturing jobs have been replaced by automation.
Textiles, mainly cotton, once dominated the economy of the South.
The peak of employment in June 1948 was 1. 3 million jobs.
In a state in North Carolina alone, 40% of jobs were in the textile and garment manufacturing industry in 1940.
2013, only 1.
1% of the state\'s jobs are textiles.
Some 650 textile mills were closed between 1997 and 2009, resulting in the loss of thousands of jobs and frustration in the community.
But rising wages in China and other countries, combined with higher transportation costs and tariffs, have prompted domestic and foreign companies to consider manufacturing in the United States.
In addition, as more and more consumers look for \"Made in America\" labels, some companies are turning to American goods. Wal-
For example, Wal-Mart promised last year to buy $50 billion in the United States.
Towels and towels are included.
In 2012, highly automated factories took over third of all textile jobs in Georgia and North Carolina, and this is where many jobs are being created.
The new factory is completely different from those dusty and noisy factories in the past.
These highly automated factories require lessbut more tech-savvy —
Workers with higher wages than their ancestors.
Average textile wage in the United StatesS.
In 2012 it was $37,900, compared to $60,496 for all manufacturing jobs.
In North Carolina, the average textile wage was $33,219, up from $28,216 in 2002.
\"It\'s hard for Noma Ray to get a job,\" said Godfrey, dean of the college, referring to a 1979 film about a young textile worker leading the union --
Organize activities.
The film is based on the story of 33-year-old Kristell Lee Jordan. year-
The old mother of three made $2.
In 1973, she began organizing work at a factory in North Carolina, folding 65 towels per hour.
\"But if Noma Ray wants to sit on the computer terminal and program the robot, it\'s not the same.
\"This is a very different world,\" he said . \"
Another change in the industry is the growth of non-woven fabric, which is fiber-
A base product, such as a felt, made of compressed, heated or wrapped fabric.
Diapers and facial wipes, mops, medical scrubs and a variety of filters are non-woven.
Over the past decade, North Carolina has added 1,945 jobs to produce non-woven products and $0. 719 billion in investment in non-woven factories.
\"This is not your grandmother\'s textile factory,\" said economist Ted abernasi . \" His four grandparents worked in a textile mill at the age of Governor of North Carolina. The long-
Abernathy, the time executive director of the Southern Growth Policy Committee, until the merger with the Southern Governors Association last fall, is now a consultant to the governors group.
\"The good news for the South is that the lowest
\"It won\'t come back after work,\" said Abernathy . \".
\"New jobs are between $35,000 and $45,000 a year.
The governor of Georgia, the state jockey, works for the competition in the state of JOBSAs.
Republican Nathan Deal hyped the state\'s national ranking in the business environment through the trade magazine Site Selection magazine.
The deal recently signed a law exempting the tax on energy sales and use used for manufacturing, which contributes to existing and future manufacturing facilities.
Georgia\'s deputy commissioner for global commerce, Tom croto, said the long history of carpet manufacturing in the state was crucial to the development of the textile industry.
Floor 5 2013
Companies covering manufacturing have announced that they will add 3,550 jobs to the existing 22,382 carpets. and rug-
Manufacturing jobs in Georgia and $0. 815 billion in investment.
\"A major component of the Georgian business environment is our highly skilled workforce,\" said Croteau . \".
Helping to train these workers is a quick start-up program in Georgia, which started in 1967 and is a modest training program, which has since provided customized training to more than 325,000 workers in more than 3,100 businesses and industries.
In October, Shrivallabh Pittie Group, India\'s leading textile manufacturer, chose Georgia as the company\'s first US factoryS. -
A $70 million cotton yarn factory based in Screven County will employ 250 people.
The company will be located in an industrial site developed by the state and employees will be trained in quick start training.
In the textile manufacturing culture of North Carolina, nine textile companies announced in 2013 that they planned to build or expand factories in the state, creating 993 jobs and investing $0. 381 billion.
S. Commerce Secretary Sharon Decker cited three factors that helped her state win a new factory: a culture, education and a competitive business environment.
\"North Carolina has a historically strong manufacturing base in textiles,\" said Dekel . \".
\"The concept of textile manufacturing culture-it is known that it still exists.
The total amount of grants provided by the state is $4.
4 million jobs were created for nine textile enterprises.
The group\'s largest is Gildan active wear, a Canadian company that promises to invest $0. 25 billion to hire 500 workers.
Gildan received $3.
5 million national investment grants for employment development, cash grants based on actual job creation.
In 2013, the North Carolina state legislature improved the business environment by lowering the individual income tax and corporate income tax rates.
Corporate income tax will be from 6.
Between 9% and 6% in 2014 and 5% in 2016 and 28% in.
If growth brings more revenue, interest rates could fall further.
Meanwhile, Decker said the State University\'s textile school worked with the business sector to help workers prepare for the new job.
One challenge now, she said, is to get young people interested in the work of textile mills.
The owner of a factory has begun to take middle school students to visit and show them how advanced the facilities are in technology.
Fill in the Clarence forest in Lancaster County. C.
Since 120, the Springs family-owned textile mills have been major employers, with approximately 11,000 workers in the 1970 s and 1980.
The family sold the company to a Brazilian company in 2005, and the last plant in South Carolina closed in 2007 to transfer the remaining 3,500 jobs to Brazil.
\"It leaves a crater,\" said Keith Tunnell, president of Lancaster County economic development . \".
\"Then the recession came-a double blow.
Unemployment has soared to 18. % June 6, 2009.
About 21 months ago, the Commerce Department in South Carolina told Tunnell that a cotton spinning company was looking for an American company. S.
Manufacturing site.
\"I was shocked,\" he said . \"
What is even more surprising is that the company is Chinese.
On December, Keer Group announced that it would invest $0. 218 billion to build a 230,000-square-
Within five years in Lancaster County, foot Mills and 501 jobs were created.
\"We chose to find our first America. S.
Keer chairman Zhu Shanqing said there are many reasons for South Carolina\'s factories, including the state\'s labor force, proximity to cotton producers and access to Charleston\'s ports, according to news reports.
South Carolina has provided Keer with a $4 million rural infrastructure grant, and county development has also provided $7.
7 million bonds attract companies.
Keer agreed to pay workers at least $13.
In 25 hours, the average wage rate of Lancaster County manufacturing industry.
Keer\'s jobs are hardly enough to replace the old textile jobs, but it is a welcome news in 79,000 counties with an unemployment rate of 8. 1%.
Hope to attract more Chinese companies.
What can he share with other state and local officials?
\"If any community is hit hard as we expectC.
You are wasting your time in order to solve your problem.
All politics is local, says tipple O\'Neill. S.
House from Massachusetts
I say all economic development is local.
\"Stateline is a nonpartisan, non-profit news service for the Pew Charitable Trust, providing daily coverage and analysis of national policy trends.
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