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home clinic; papering a problem wall: a heavy-duty lining will help

by:Ming Yu     2019-11-11
Bernard Gladstone Dirk
1986 this is a digital version of an article from The Times Print Archive, before it starts online in 1996.
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Painting on a wall with rough or textured surfaces has few problems.
But it is much more difficult to hang wallpaper on such surfaces.
The walls must first be smoothed down to create a reasonable sound and horizontal surface suitable for hanging.
This is especially a problem when dealing with walls that cover with recessed wood paneling or finished with a lot of color or texture --finish coating.
Smooth and flat rough walls are usually a very troublesome thing.
Must fill in the depression such as low point, groove, etc. , High Point or rough area must be polished flat.
However, there is a simpler way to prepare this wall for any regular wallpaper: hang a heavy
Heavy-duty lining fabric on the wall --
Wall lining fabric on duty specially designed for this \"problem\" wall.
While these lining materials are not fresh, most homeowners are not familiar with even many professional painters.
If you ask a hanger or a painter about putting a lining on a canvas
Often done to cover up severely cracked walls or ceilings, as well as walls or ceilings that have permanent problems with paint removal
He will respond by installing traditional canvas liners, such as canvas linings produced by companies that produce Sanitas or Walltex.
Advertising is OK for walls with only minor violations, however, they do not stick to rough surfaces, such as bare concrete block walls or walls finished with heavy plaster textures.
They can\'t use it on their tongue-and-
Wood veneer, or plywood or hard panel panels (
Unless all grooves are filled with repair compounds first).
Otherwise, the lining will bubble or bubble, regardless of any type of groove or groove.
The type of advertising is heavy-
The duty lining material mentioned here is different
They will solve these problems.
When properly suspended with the right adhesive, they can be applied to cement
Blocking the wall, on the plaster wall with heavy texture, even on the tongue --and-
Wood trim (
Not filled in the groove).
These lining materials are manufactured by several different manufacturers and sold under brands such as undercover, wall cover and flip Wall, consisting of a fabric facing the fabric, made of plastic film of tough similar clothing
Because they are much heavier and stronger than the traditional wall lining material, they bridge the grooves, valleys and other irregularities so you get smooth and then, you can apply any wallpaper or wallpaper of your choice on the plane.
Of course, the range that these liners will cover is limited.
They cannot be used on bricks with deep sunken mortar joints.
They also do not hide considerable bumps or obvious irregularities.
For example, when a block is super-qualifying in cement, they don\'t hide the raised created
A block wall, or when the block breaks and leaves a gap or a wide depression on the surface of the wall.
In addition, there is a large bump and jagged projection on the plaster with serious texture
The type surface must come off or partially smooth by sanding or heavy scraping. All these heavy
There are ready-made duty lining suspensionmixed, heavy-
Tariff vinyl adhesive sold in most wallpaper stores.
Although the direction is recommended to apply the adhesive to the back of the lining (
Use brush or roller)
Most people will find it easier and more effective to roll the adhesive to the wall.
Then a wide smooth brush is used to smooth the lining on the wall.
Start applying the material to the top of the wall, then smooth it down with a stroke that extends down and out from each center to the edge of each side.
It is important to work carefully and press hard to eliminate all bubbles and eliminate all creases.
If the material does form a crease, pull it off the wall a little and smooth it down again.
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Before hanging one of these lining materials on a wooden panel, it is important to ensure that all wax, Polish oil or oil has been washed off the surface.
Unless the finish on the panel is very smooth and smooth, generally no sanding is required.
If so, in-use-
Sandpaper can remove the gloss and help to provide more \"teeth\" for vinyl adhesives \".
If the wall panel has a groove that extends vertically, it is usually best to hang the lining horizontally to avoid the seams being adjacent to each other or directly covered.
When hanging this lining on a cement block or other very porous wall surface, it is better to first apply a special size or primer to seal the surface as recommended by the manufacturer.
In many cases, you can make your own size by mixing the vinyl adhesive with the same amount of water, and then brushing it on the wall before applying a regular paste.
Allow the size or primer to dry thoroughly before continuing to use the adhesive.
On a glossy surface, such as a tile or plastic laminate, it is best to reduce the gloss with a rough alumina paper first.
Thoroughly dust off, then apply the coating of size or primer as described above.
After applying the lining, it must be dried for at least 48 hours and then any traditional wallpaper is hung on it.
If you hang a removable wallpaper on this lining, you can peel the wallpaper later when changing the pattern without interfering with the heavy lining material below.
It is not advisable to draw advertisements on these lining materials.
The surface of the fabric is too porous to accept paint evenly, so it is almost always dry, rough or uneven in appearance unless many coatings are applied.
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As far as I know, applying acrylic latex paint on old flax seed oil is a bad practicetype paint.
Can I use a simple test to tell if an old paint is oil or notbase-Type or latex free(
Acrylic or vinyl)base paint? -H. W.
Port Conn West. A.
When they were introduced for the first time, it is said that there are some simple \"tests\" that can be used to distinguish latex
But I don\'t think there\'s one that works right now (
If they were).
However, it doesn\'t matter because there is no reason why you can\'t apply good in all modern recipes
Premium acrylic latex paint on old paint-
As long as you observe the direction outlined on the label in advance in order to properly prepare the old surface.
The main precautions to note are to dim the gloss on the old finish before applying the new paint, and to ensure that the old surface is clean and will not be poorly powdered.
Special primer or sealant may be required if there is a lot of powder.
Questions about house repairs should be addressed to Bernard Gladstone of The New York Times, 229 West 43d Street, New York. Y. 10036.
This column will answer questions of general interest;
Unpublished letters cannot be answered separately.
A version of this article was printed on page LI11 of the National edition on December 28, 1986 with the title: Family Clinic;
Sticking the problem wall: Heavy-
Queuing on duty will help.
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