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ban on plastic bags to come into effect in delhi from nov 22

by:Ming Yu     2019-11-07
New Delhi: from November 22, the capital will completely ban the manufacture, sale, storage and use of plastic bags.
Senior Delhi government officials said traders involved in the production of plastic bags were told to dismantle their production facilities as soon as possible.
\"The city has a total ban on the manufacture, sale, storage and use of plastic bags, effective November 22,\" said a senior official from the Ministry of Environment . \".
The city government decided to impose the ban on September 11, and last week issued a notice to implement the decision.
An industry expert said that at present, about 400 plastic bag manufacturing units in the city are operating, and the annual total turnover of these units is between Rs 800 and Rs 1,000.
According to the notice, no one, including the owner, supplier, wholesaler, retailer and vendor, is allowed to sell, store or supply any goods using a plastic tote bag.
Plastic tote bags for use in accordance with the provisions of biomedical waste (
Management and processing)
The ban will not include rule 1998.
The use of plastic cover/pouch packaging magazines, invitation cards and greeting cards will also be banned, officials said.
For a long time, green organizations have demanded a total ban on plastic bags in the capital.
According to an order of the Delhi High Court, the government banned the use of plastic bags in various markets, shopping malls, hotels and hospitals in January 2009, but did not produce the expected results.
The government has now imposed the ban in accordance with environmental regulations (Protection)
Act 1986, under which violators may face imprisonment of up to five years and a fine of up to Rs 1 or both.
Officials said the government had decided to ban plastic bags in full because the existing ban, which does not include manufacturing activities, did not produce the expected results.
On 2009, the government made plastic bags to Delhi (
Manufacturing, sales and use)and Garbage (Controlled)
Act 2000th prohibits the sale, storage and use of various plastic bags at certain notice locations.
Including luxury hotels, hospitals, restaurants, all fruit and vegetable shops, liquor stores, shopping centers, local shopping centers and all retail and wholesale outlets of brand chain stores selling different consumer goods.
\"No one shall (be allowed)
Manufacture, store, import, sell or transport any type of plastic tote bag (
Including polypropylene, non
Bag woven fabric type)
\"In addition to export purposes, in the entire capital area of Delhi,\" an official said . \".
The secretary of the member of the Delhi Pollution Control Board will be responsible for ensuring full monitoring and implementation of the decision.
The decision will be implemented by civic groups, the National Democratic Party and the Ministry of the environment, officials said.
According to previous notice, no person shall manufacture, store, distribute or sell any handbag made of raw or recycled plastic with a thickness of less than 40 microns.
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