Leading Brand of Non-woven Fabric, Advocate of Environmental Protection

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Where is Ming Yu Nonwovens located?
The address of Hunan Ming Yu Nonwovens Co., Ltd is available on its website or you can directly contact its staff to inquire more detailed information. Enjoying very convenient location and boasting for its finest-quality disposable medical pillow, it has attracted many customers to pay visits. You are welcome to visit the company at any time. Just make a contact in advance, it can arrange the professional staff to pick you up at designated place.
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Ming Yu Nonwovens provides a full range of production, fulfillment, distribution and program management services. We are rapidly carving our place in a world of manufacturing non-woven fabric manufacturing. The PP+PE protective clothing fabric is one of the main products of Ming Yu Nonwovens. Ming Yu face mask material is completed by following the highest production standards. The product can be finished with different treatments, such as printing, embossing, molding, laminating, etc. Modified by several times, nonwoven bags can be applied into many different places. The product can be used and reused for several hundred times.

We have implemented a range of methods to upgrade the production model to a more sustainable level. We upgrade waste treating machines, cutting polluted emission and energy consumption.

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