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surat aims at becoming hub for medical products | surat news - times of india

by:Ming Yu     2019-11-05
Surat: If all goes well, the biggest man in the countrymade fabric (MMF)
In the next 18 months, the Surat center will become a manufacturing center for disposable sanitary products and medical textiles. The Man-
Textile Research Association (MANTRA)
A pilot project is under way to produce sanitary products and medical textiles on 6,500 land in Karanj, including adult and baby diapers, masks, surgeon dresses and gloves, surgical shoes and blankets
The Gujarat government approved the 25 crore rupee project.
The approximate cost will be borne by the spell and the rest will be borne by the state government.
The state government has released Rs 1 for the project.
A private participant is keen to invest 25 in project costs and selling products nationwide. MANTRA office-
Bearers said it was the first one. of-it-
Public urban health products and physical items of medical textiles
Private partnership model.
\"More than one-time sanitary products and medical textiles in India are imported.
In southern and northern India, there are very few companies that produce this product.
\"Surat\'s goal is to be a leader in disposable medical products,\" said MANTRA Secretary Dinesh Jhaveri . \".
\"Dealing with medical and health products is a need today,\" he said.
At present, only people in India can afford one-time products.
Domestic products will be cheaper.
Jhaveri said that the disposal of medical textiles is madewoven fabrics.
There is a lot of manufacturing in this city.
Woven fabric on shuttle busless looms.
Raw materials for disposable medical products are available, so production can start without problems.
\"We will import machines from China to make disposable medical and sanitary products.
The machine can be in one-
\"Compared to the prices made in Europe, the price in China is the third,\" Jhaveri added . \".
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