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green screen fabric options for video recording

by:Ming Yu     2019-11-21
Introduction if you are a professional filmmaker or photographer, be able to synthesize or apply green screen effects to your photos and videos to give you more services in your customers
You need good green screen equipment to have this capability.
Of course, the most important equipment for this task is the green screen fabric.
In terms of the type of fabric and how to get the fabric, you have a lot of options.
First of all, if you are a professional or you are an amateur with enough resources, you can purchase a ready-made green screen device, including a specially designed green screen.
The film industry uses high-quality green screen backgrounds like EEFX. com.
The fabric they use for the green screen background is designed to scatter light, making the background easy to shine.
This minimizes the hassle of finding the right light intensity and the right position of the lighting device to provide lighting for the background.
It has a foam core that prevents folds, and it has a nylon backing that gives strength to the background.
It is designed for heavy duty use and minimizes maintenance time and cost.
If you are a professional, this is the best option in the green screen background.
If you need a custom sized background, you can easily order a custom green screen background that suits your needs.
If you don\'t have the resources to buy a ready-made green screen background, you can make one yourself using a homemade support system and the fabric you can buy at the fabric store.
The most common fabric you can buy from a regular fabric store is cotton.
It\'s easy to clean, but you have to take into account that it\'s easy to wrinkle and it\'s not easy to paint.
However, you can also use other kinds of fabrics in a homemade green screen background.
MuslinMuslin is easy to paint, so you can use almost any kind of paint to give it the color you want, whether it\'s blue or green or whatever.
It is also a very strong fabric so you can rest assured that you can use it regularly.
If you are going to use it without drawing it first, you may have to be careful because it wrinkles itself easily.
Polyester is your best choice if you want a fabric that is not easy to wrinkle.
It has different thickness, so you have a wide range of polyester types to choose from.
Compared to other types of fabric, it is a bit too reflective, so this must be taken into account when illuminating the background.
Whether you are creating your own background or buying a professional first grade, these green screen fabric options are your best choice.
You just have to remember that each fabric has its own pros and cons, so remember these because you need to determine the best way to be compatible with the way you take a video or photo.
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