In addition to the installation manual provided, we also offer installation video which you can view on our website. If needed, we can send it to you. If you still have trouble with the installation, you do not have to work it out alone, we can help. Please do not hesitate to contact us. We have experts to offer you online guidance. We ensure the quality of our products and support you with delivery, installation, and maintenance. That is the service at Hunan Ming Yu Nonwovens Co., Ltd!
As a nonwoven bags manufacturer, MingYu is one of the most competitive enterprises in the overseas markets. MingYu produces a number of different product series, including nonwoven bags. For better durability and endurance, our professional engineers successfully developed agriculture non woven fabric with high quality. It is extremely durable as the short and long fibers are bonded together through chemical formula and treatments. With precise strategic positioning and excellent implementation efficiency, MingYu has achieved sustained high-speed growth. The product is liquid repellent to withstand the humid environment.
The corporate culture that Ming Yu sticks to is essential for the cohesion of the company. Get more info!